For many organisations, discussions around equality, diversity and inclusion have long been peripheral. As a result, organisations often neglect to address the narratives of mistrust found among diverse identities in society and within their businesses. This mistrust results in inefficiency, loss of productivity, employee disengagement, lack of innovation and loss of key talent, affecting the bottom line.

This training aims to help participants manage diversity within their organisation and includes topics such as:

  • Why managing diversity is important in the South African workplace.
  • How to promote a culture of equality between people of different races, classes, sexual preference and gender.
  • What are the key elements of equality are and how it is dealt with in organisations?
  • Solutions to organisational challenges related to discrimination.


Tel: 011 298 9400


Reserve Your Seat Now!


1 Day


09:00 - 15:30


Online - SEIFSA 42 Anderson Street Marshaltown 6th Floor

On-Site Workshop Request

SEIFSA offers all our training workshops as either on-site training or via webinars. For on-site training, we can hold the sessions at your company premises. We do require a minimum of 10 delegates for these sessions.

There are several benefits to on-site training:

  • You can customize the training to meet your company’s specific needs.
  • It offers more flexibility in terms of scheduling, allowing you to choose times that are most convenient for your team.
  • It’s cost-effective, saving on travel expenses and other related costs for your employees.
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