Join an Association
The Associations are stakeholders of SEIFSA and have representation on the SEIFSA Council, which is the Chamber or forum where the representatives of each one of the 16 federated Associations meet, discuss, and agree on different matters affecting the metals and engineering industries.
Each Association is unique to their specific sector and the Associations promote ethical business practices and offer an ideal platform for its members to network with relevant industry players, receive up-to-date information on the latest industry news, promote the interests of members, discuss issues such as government legislation, labour laws, lobbying on issues that affect their members and general matters affecting the steel and engineering industries within South Africa, as well as the various sectors. Through the Association meetings, members receive an update on the latest industry news. The following video bears testimony to the benefits of joining an Association:

Industry Sectors
South African Valve and Actuator Manufacturers Association (SAVAMA)
Employers engaged in the manufacture of valves and/or actuators for valves. Join Us…
SA Pump Manufacturers’ Association (SAPMA)
Employers engaged in the manufacture and/or fabrication and/or assembly of pumps. Join Us…
Light Engineering Industries’ Association of SA (LEIA)
Employers engaged in the manufacture of Light metal products (excluding tinsmiths and/or plumbers) by forging, stamping, rolling, pressing, bending, welding, cutting and/or casting and the manufacturer and sale of sheet metal and shall include the “Iron, Steel, Engineering, and Metallurgical Industries” which shall mean (subject to the provisions of any demarcation determination and made in terms of section 62 of the Labour Relations Act, No. 66 of 1995 and section 76 of the Labour Relations Act, 1956) the industry concerned with the production of iron and/or steel and/or alloys and/or the processing and/or recovery and/or refining of metals (other than precious metals) and/or alloys from dross and/or scrap and/or residues; the maintenance, fabrication, erection or assembly, construction, alteration, replacement or repair of any machine, vehicle (other than a motor vehicle) or article consisting mainly of metal (other than a precious metal) or parts or components thereof, and structural metalwork, including steel reinforcement work; the manufacture of metal goods principally from such iron and/or steel and/or other metals (other than precious metals) and/or alloys, and/or the finishing of metal goods; the building and/or alteration and/or repair of boats and/or ships, including the scraping, chipping and/or scaling and/or painting of the hulls of boats and/or ships; and general woodwork undertaken in connection with ship repairs, and includes the Electrical Engineering Industry, the Lift and Escalator Industry and the Plastics Industry, but does not include the Motor Industry. Join Us…
Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Manufacturers’ and Suppliers’ Association (RAMSA)
Employers engaged in the manufacture and/or supply of refrigeration and/or air-conditioning equipment and/or products. Join Us…
Constructional Engineering Association (CEA)
Any employer engaged in the Constructional Engineering Industry, which may include but not be limited to any of the following activities shall be eligible for membership of the Association:Any employer engaged in the Constructional Engineering Industry, which may include but not be limited to any of the following activities shall be eligible for membership of the Association:(a) those engaged in the fabrication of rolled metal sections and plate including the assembly, and/or erection of engineering plant or structures and the repair and/or dismantling thereof.(b) those engaged in construction site operations and activities, including maintenance work. These operations are taken to include, but are not limited to, all structural, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation work, and work related to these activities, on construction sites. Temporary workshops set up by members at or near construction sites are regarded as being included in construction site operations.(c) those engaged in the manufacture and/or assembly and/or renovation and/or rectification and/or modification of railway rolling stock including 610 mm gauge rolling stock-rolling stock includes locomotives and/or propulsion/traction units and/or railway wagons and/or passenger coaches and/or guards vans.
(d) those engaged in the application of anti-corrosive coating and/or insulation of metal vessels and/or ducting and/or piping.
(e) those engaged in non-destructive testing (NDT) and employing operatives and inspection personnel.
(f) those engaged in the supply of labour with skills used in the industry, to the members of the Association and to the industry in general. Join Us…
Employers engaged in the manufacture and erection of gates and fencing materials and operating a workshop. Join Us…
Lift Engineering Association of SA (LEA)
Employers engaged in lift and/or escalator manufacture and/or assembly and/or installation and/or repair and/or maintenance. Join Us…
South African Refrigeration And Air-conditioning Contractors Association (SARACCA)
Employers engaged in that section of the air-conditioning and or industrial refrigeration industry concerned with the contracting for and servicing and repairing of air conditioning and/or industrial refrigeration systems. Join Us…
Non-Ferrous Metal Industries Association (NFMIA)
Employers engaged in the manufacture of non-ferrous metals and alloys including the smelting of scrap metal in connection with such manufacture. Join Us…
Iron and Steel Producers’ Association of South Africa (ISPA)
Employers engaged in the basic production of iron and/or steel and/or their alloys or rolling and/or drawing and/or finishing processes when associated and performed conjointly with the basic production of iron and steel and/or their alloys. Join Us…
Employers engaged in the manufacture of electric cables Join Us…
Electrical Engineering and Allied Industries Association (EEAIA)
Employers engaged in the manufacture of electrical equipment such as generators, motors, convertors, switch and control gear (including relays, contactors, electrical instruments and equipment associated therewith) electrical lighting, heating and cooling equipment, primary and secondary cells and batteries (other than motor car batteries), transformers, furnace equipment, signalling and electronic equipment, electric cables comprising insulated and uninsulated conductors, or incandescent lamps and/or the installation, maintenance, alteration and repair of electrical equipment including the wiring of or for such equipment. Join Us…
Electrical Manufacturers Association of South Africa (EMASA)
Employers engaged in electrical manufacturing in the Republic of South Africa shall be eligible for membership. In order to promote the interest of local manufacturing the Association may grant membership to other local manufacturers meeting the criteria of local content as described below:
“Manufacturing” means the joint enterprise in which employers and employees are associated for the purpose of manufacturing and assembling of products where the local content amounts to at least fifty-per centum (50%) of factory cost. Factory cost is defined as:
- Factory Cost: Direct Materials, Direct Labour and manufacturing Overheads (Selling, distribution and administration expenses are specifically excluded from manufacturing overheads). Refer G.A.A.P. statement AC108 for valuation.
- Local content of Direct Material: Includes imported non-value added primary products e.g. steel strip, molding powders etc.
- Manufacturing Overheads: These costs include all costs directly related to the conversion process, i.e. factory rental, plant and machinery depreciation, indirect labour, etc.
- Primary Products are materials which require conversion/benefication in the manufacturing process in order to substantially change its form or fit for use. Join Us…
Cape Engineers And Founders’ Association (CEFA)
Employers engaged within the scope of the Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council in the Cape region. Join Us…
Kwa-Zulu Natal Engineering Industries Association (KZNEIA)
Employers engaged in the engineering industry, including general, structural and foundry operations in the Natal region. Join Us…
Eastern Cape Engineering And Allied Industries Association (ECEAIA)
Employers engaged within the scope of the Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council in the Eastern Cape region. Join Us…
The Temporary Employment Services Division (TESD) is a Division of the Constructional Engineering Association (CEA) that was established by labour brokers who practiced self-regulation and who comply with the latest legislative developments. Members of the TESD uphold good governance and comply with industry requirements. Legal compliance should be the main consideration when an employer chooses a labour broker. The TESD is the only labour brokering organisation in the metals and engineering industry that has a credible, recognised accreditation process in place. Learn More… Join Us…