Labour laws have a direct influence on how companies operate and are managed.


This webinar is a practical look at current legislation, including the Labour Relations and Basic Conditions of Employment Act.

The webinar examines important labour law matters, such as:

Key aspects of the LRA

  • Scope and purpose of the LRA;
  • Trade union and shop steward organisational rights;
  • Bargaining councils, collective bargaining and collective agreements, such as the Main Agreement and its scope, purpose, function and enforceability;
  • Workplace forums, purpose and function;
  • Strikes and picketing, protected and unprotected industrial action, including the requirements for peaceful picketing; and
  • Unfair and automatically unfair dismissals, requirements for a fair dismissal, for misconduct, incapacity and operational requirements.
Key aspects of the BCEA
  • Understanding the relationship between the BCEA and the Main Agreement;
  • Which companies and employees are covered by the BCEA and which by the Main Agreement;
  • Hours of work, overtime, public holidays, Sunday pay and shift allowances;
  • Payment of wages, pay day and pay slips;
  • Leave pay and the calculation thereof;
  • Family responsibility leave, sick leave, sick notes;
  • Plus, key aspects of the recent amendments on parental leave, adoption leave and commissioning parental leave, which became effective on 1 January 2020.


Tel: 011 298 9400


Reserve Your Seat Now!


1 day


09:00 -15:00



On-Site Workshop Request

SEIFSA offers all our training workshops as either on-site training or via webinars. For on-site training, we can hold the sessions at your company premises. We do require a minimum of 10 delegates for these sessions.

There are several benefits to on-site training:

  • You can customize the training to meet your company’s specific needs.
  • It offers more flexibility in terms of scheduling, allowing you to choose times that are most convenient for your team.
  • It’s cost-effective, saving on travel expenses and other related costs for your employees.
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