National Employer Federation
SEIFSA is a national federation representing 16 independent employer associations in the metal and engineering industries, with a combined membership of over 1 300 companies employing over 170 000 employees. The federation was formed in 1943 and its member companies range from large corporates to small and medium enterprises employing fewer than 50 people. The metals and engineering sector constitutes metal production, merchants and service centres, fabricators, heavy and light engineering.
SEIFSA has provided active support for employer associations and lobbied for policies that have improved the business environment in which its members operate.
Operates on the following levels:
National Level
As the recognised voice of the metals and engineering sector, SEIFSA’s management team represents employer associations on a number of organisations that are critical to the success of the sector, including:
- Business Unity South Africa (BUSA);
- National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac);
- BRICS+ Manufacturing Workgroup
- National Energy Crisis Committee (NECOM)
- South Africa Reserve Bank Economists Forum
- Quality Council for Trade and Occupations (QCTO)
- National Artisan Moderation Body (NAMB)
- DHET Centers of Specialization (COS) Project Program
SEIFSA, through its membership of these bodies, has over the years positively influenced legislation and policy affecting labour relations, skills development as well as economic and trade matters.
Industry Level
SEIFSA negotiates collective agreements covering
wages and conditions of employment with the trade unions. The Federation also
represents employers on the boards of the Engineering Industries Pension Fund,
the Metal Industries Provident Fund, the Metal and Engineering Industries
Permanent Disability Scheme, the Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining
Council Sick Pay Fund, the Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council
and the Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Seta.
- Boards of the Engineering Industries Pension Fund;
- Metal Industries Provident Fund;
- Metal and Engineering Industries Permanent Disability Scheme;
- Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council (MEIBC);
- MEIBC Sick Pay Fund;
- Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services (MERSETA);
- Education and Training Quality Assurance – Metals Committee (ETQA)
- Steel Master Plan
Company Level
SEIFSA provides a comprehensive range of professional products and services of benefit to companies. SEIFSA’s range of products and services include advice, assistance, consultancy – covering labour legislation, dispute resolution, employment conditions, health and safety, broad-based black economic empowerment, contract price adjustment and skills development- publications, training courses, seminars and conferences.

SEIFSA believes that Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment is an important aspect for the future development of South Africa and its economy.
SEIFSA is a Level Two (1) Contributor.
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