Employment Equity Webinar
The 2022 EE Amendment Act finally became effective on 1 January 2025.
We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming webinar, where we explain what this means, and its impact on the setting of EE Goals.
The webinar will cover, inter alia:
• The 2022 EE Act Amendments, Sector Targets, and changes on EE Goal setting following the amendment of the Section 20 (1).
• 12 May 2023 Regulations and impact on Sector Target consultations up to then.
• The Settlement Agreement Court Order in Solidarity vs the Department of Employment and Labour (DEL) and the 1 February 2024 Draft EE Regulations and its impact on EE Goal setting.
• Update on Sector Targets implementation timelines following the DEL February 2025 Sector Targets engagements with employers.
• How the DEL intends to apply the Solidarity Settlement Agreement Court Order.
• The basics of setting EE Goals aligned to the requirements of the EE Act as amended.
• The variables required to be factored into the setting of EE Goals and data required to be collected before EE Goals setting can be commenced.
• How to align ACI Male and Female Goals to the EAP and the % Black and Black Female Goals.
• Principles of EE Goals with formulas.
• Using technology to set EE Goals.
• Setting Goals for Persons with Disabilities.
A variety of interactive training methods will be used to ensure that you engage fully with the content of the webinar and gain practical skills that you can apply in your workplace
• Before the start of a webinar, participants will be emailed the programme and all materials to be used.
• Breakout rooms will used for the conducting of exercises, the number of delegates allowing.
• Links to the recording of the session and PDF copies of the slides will be sent to participants after the webinar.
Reserve Your Seat Now!
09:00 - 13:00