
  • Applying short-time effectively, fairly and expeditiously.
  • The short-time notification: contents, time period, consultation requirement.
  • How short can short-time be, how long can you implement short-time for?
  • Implementing short-time urgently,
  • Using short-time to deal with load-shedding, power-outages and other unplanned emergencies.
  • Do you consult, negotiate – do you need an agreement?


  • The lay-off notification: contents, time period, consultation requirement
  • How short can lay-off be, how long can you implement a lay-off for?
  • Do you have to have an agreement before you implement a lay-off?


  • The retrenchment notification: and the consultation process – the do’s and don’ts.
  • What grounds can be used to retrench? Are you reasons to retrench fair?
  • Small scale or large scale retrenchments, what’s the difference?
  • The consultation process – must trade unions be involved and to what extent?
  • The selection criteria – who is selected for retrenchment – keeping it fair and objective.
  • What is voluntary retrenchment vs. forced retrenchment and when can it be applied?
  • The bumping principle.
  • Severance pay; how is it calculated and when must it be paid (Main Agreement vs. BCEA)?


Tel: 011 298 9400


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4 Hours


09:00 - 13:00



On-Site Workshop Request

SEIFSA offers all our training workshops as either on-site training or via webinars. For on-site training, we can hold the sessions at your company premises. We do require a minimum of 10 delegates for these sessions.

There are several benefits to on-site training:

  • You can customize the training to meet your company’s specific needs.
  • It offers more flexibility in terms of scheduling, allowing you to choose times that are most convenient for your team.
  • It’s cost-effective, saving on travel expenses and other related costs for your employees.
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