The Main Agreement – Wages and Conditions of Employment
The Main Agreement – Wages and Conditions of Employment
The workshop will cover the industry collective bargaining structure and process, the purpose and scope of the Main Agreement, wage increases and minimum rates of pay, the key conditions of employment and various employment relationships such as labour brokers, limited-duration contract workers, and the A to Z of the conditions of employment for employees covered by the Main Agreement, including:
- Wage rates and the wage exemption procedure
- The deal, the no-strike clause and protection against plant-level bargaining (the peace clause)
- Load shedding, power outages and other unforeseen contingencies – utilising section 7 (Short-time) to your advantage
- Payment for overtime, Public Holidays, Sunday pay and shift allowances, including flexible working time arrangements
- Calculation of shifts for leave and leave enhancement pay
- Family responsibility leave / Paternity leave
- Managing sick leave and invalid sick notes
- Maternity leave
- Standby and call-out allowances
- The Sick Pay Fund benefits, including sick benefits, maternity and adoption benefits, quarantine leave and compassionate leave
- Annual leave pay and leave enhancement pay including the annual shutdown
- Injury on duty provisions
Alternative employment relationships
- Limited Duration Contracts (LDC / FTC)
- Labour broker services (TES)
- Independent Contractors
- Temporary employees
Tel: 011 298 9400
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4.5 Hours
09:00 - 13:30
Online In Person